Nyheter & Inspiration
Framtiden handlar om hur vi skapar nya, snarare än att kapitalisera på gamla, samhällsformer och affärsmodeller för att utöka välstånd och livskvalitet. Så det är det jag gör; jag studerar trender och försöker inspirera så många som möjligt att se nya möjligheter.
Vi är alla överens om problemen med auktoritära staters övervakning, men vad tänker vi om det faktum att bara ett fåtal privata företag styr resten av världen?

En liten grupp inflytelserika personer har möjlighet att manipulera penningutbudet (genom att trycka mer) och räntor, som i princip är kostnaden för att låna pengar. Å ena sidan uppmuntrar de människor och företag att ta på sig mer skulder eftersom det är billigare. Sedan, å andra sidan, har de makten att höja räntorna för att hämta tillbaka allt över tid.

We went from mainframe computers to desktop to laptop to mobile and wearables. We are now wearing computers on our bodies, thus producing vast amounts of data not only from the outside world but also from the inside. Approximately 90% of all the worlds data was produced in the last two years, and now comes A.I. to make sense of all the data, to find patterns and new knowledge.

The impact of AI is vast and varied. Its integration will lead to enhanced efficiency, the creation of new business models, and the potential displacement of certain jobs, necessitating workforce retraining. However, it will also result in the generation of new roles and opportunities in the tech-driven landscape.

As we move forward, those who recognize and act on these potentials will find themselves at the forefront of a more flexible, creative, and rewarding work environment. The challenges are real, but the opportunities are boundless, marking a thrilling era of growth and discovery.

By aligning profitability with sustainability, companies can ensure that they are not just earning green but also doing their part in preserving the planet for future generations. The opportunities are vast, diverse, and promising. All it requires is a vision, innovation, and the audacity to embark on ventures that marry profit with purpose.

To truly understand the illusion of permanence, one must sit silently, letting go of all attachments, all concepts, all desires. In this silence, the vastness of existence reveals itself. One realizes that life and death, creation and destruction, are but two sides of the same coin. There is no beginning or end, only an eternal dance of energies, merging and parting, in a cosmic rhythm.